Chinese Style Horror Game This game is the last one I made in the MA Game Design course. Compared to the first one, there are indeed many improvements. Thank David for all his valuable advice. Why I made this gameAt the very 2019-11-25 求学 #旧文章 #学习 #设定
Fake AR Project IntroductionThe game is a (fake) AR project that allows players to discover a magical world in the mobile and see the real world at the same time. This project targets at these three points. test a 2019-06-25 求学 #旧文章 #学习 #设定
What do we talk about when we talk about board games It’s a relatively hard decision to choose Wuxia video games as the subject of the essay. Because there are few studies about this topic in Western academia and even the same in Chinese academia. Howev 2019-01-10 求学 #旧文章 #学习 #中二
Raindrops keep falling on my head (Unity Archive Game) Finally, it’s time to make a video game! However, it seems that the time is limited and the holiday is approaching… So, I just finished the game but left nothing recorded. The content below will be al 2019-01-09 求学 #旧文章 #学习 #设定
雾都的雨天没有下雪 “风…… 在吹…… 雨…… 在下…… 人…… 在走……” 古龙先生这段话甚是好用。 来伦敦已将近半年,传说中仅仅五天的晴天也已经历了五天又五个多月。这里比起家乡并不多雨,以至于想起雨来反倒满脑子都是初高中梅雨时节那些数不清上不成的体育课。 今天下起了一场雨。普通得很,普通到任何想要描述它的句子好像都会冷不丁地出现在随手翻开的一本书里。于是,我取出了桌边的kindle,抿了抿手指,装出翻开书页的样 2019-01-01 归档 #旧文章 #中二 #日常
对话 这里白茫茫的一片,以我为中心,由近及远都是纯粹的白色。 我环顾四周,这些白色竟不尽相同。 前方的白色湿漉漉的。可能原来是一弯湖水,但水渐渐退去,剩下干瘪的河床。奄奄一息的鱼虾吐出无数泡沫,从水底一直垒到天上,便成了白色。 左边有芳草的味道。可能从前是一片草场,但牛羊越聚越多,站都站不下,堆了四五层,轮流伏在地上吃草。草吃光了,牛羊都死了,成了白骨。 右边凉飕飕的,还有风。可能是一座山,现在就立在 2019-01-01 归档 #旧文章 #中二 #日常
Brave New Room (The Escape Room Project) O wonder!How many goodly creatures are there here!How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world,That has such people in’t. — William Shakespeare, The Tempest, Act V, Scene I, ll. 203–206 Before 11.1At 2018-10-31 求学 #旧文章 #学习 #设定
看见孤独 近些天,突然发觉我能看见孤独。 请不要觉得我脑袋进水了或是中二病又犯了。当然,更严肃且严重一些,的确,有可能是疯了。但即便如此,我还是要说,我,能看见,孤独。 首先,你大概要问,你孤独吗?——还不等我作答,你也许又会说,孤独的话,自然会有这样的错觉。嗯,是吧,可这和个人的状态无关,因为我看见的每个人都是孤独的。你必然不会放过我,接着会紧跟一句,那看见和看不见有区别吗? 先别急,我捏了又捏,和了又 2018-10-12 归档 #旧文章 #中二 #日常
What do we talk about when we talk about board games Those sentences are printed by mistake because of my roommate. ↑ Then she said, “WOW! I just created art for you!” (๑•́ ∀ •̀๑) Before 10.10Someone who saw the title must be thinking this guy should k 2018-10-10 求学 #旧文章 #学习 #设定